Entity framework versions
Entity framework versions

entity framework versions

Overall, the update from EF Core 5 / ASP.NET Core was fairly easy. The resulting code can be found in the Part3-Net6 branch, and you can look at all the changes by comparing Part3 branch with Part3-Net6 branch. NOTE: I did NOT plan to change the code to use new NET 6 features, such as ASP.NET Core simplified Program class or EF Core features such as the new SQL Server Temporal Tables support or improved Cosmos DB support. Test the performance of the updated application.Make the 200 ish xUnit tests to run successfully.Convert my book setting web site to NET 6 and get it compile.This means any EF Core breaking changes are likely to been seen on this application. This code is in the Part3 branch and contains 22 projects that use quite of the more intricate parts of EF Core features such as Global Query Filters, user-defined functions, table splitting, transactions and so on. In part 3 of my book, I build a complex ASP.NET Core / EF Core application aimed at testing the performance of EF Core.

entity framework versions

Setting the scene – what type of app did I update? I didn’t find any performance improvements, but that’s because my queries were SQL database bound, taking between 10 ms.The EF Core parts, which as complex, had two compile errors on unusual parts of EF Core and a few runtime errors, mainly around the Cosmos DB changes.

entity framework versions

  • My ASP.NET Core MVC updated with no changes to the code.
  • Any project using ASP.NET Core / EF Core NuGet packages has to have a target framework of net6.0.
  • You have to use Visual Studio 2022 (or VSCode) – Visual Studio 2019 doesn’t work.
  • Overall, it was pretty easy and only took a few days.
  • I updated a non-trivial ASP.NET Core / EF Core application (22 projects) from EF Core 5 to EF Core 6.
  • This code is based on ASP.NET Core 5 and EF Core 5 and this article describes what I had to do to update the NET 5 version of the code to NET 6, plus a look at any performance improvements. With the release of NET 6 I wanted to update the code in the repo called EfCoreinAction-SecondEdition which contains the code that goes with my book “ Entity Framework Core in Action 2 nd edition”. Last Updated: Novem| Created: November 17, 2021

    Entity framework versions